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Organizing IRNOP

Guidelines (February 2016)


IRNOP (International Research Network on Organizing by Projects) has been international ever since initiated in 1994. It was and still is an organizer of conferences exclusively oriented towards general research on projects, temporary organizations and related matters. Built on experiences and keeping the present situation for research in mind, the following describes some important matters for the future.


IRNOP Ideology

The merits of IRNOP can be expressed in some keywords: Informal (not an association with fees), international, open (for all researchers of different backgrounds in the project field worldwide), volunteer driven (no officers), affordable (moderate fees by having academics arranging conferences on campuses), independent (but collaborating with others), flexible and renewal oriented (open for new research themes).


IRNOP Informalities

Within a system without a formal organization, there is still a need for common informal rules. The network is kept together via 1) the IRNOP conferences where the individuals get a chance to see each other in person, 2) The home page (handled by Umeå University, Sweden), 3) the list serve (handled by UTS, Australia) and 4) the Linkedin group (handled by BI, Norway). The decision on where and when coming conferences are to be held (on campus of an academic institution) is made by previous organizers. The organizer of the first IRNOP (USBE at Umeå University) opens the procedure by announcing the next conference issue via the homepage and by use of the list serve as well as handles the consensual process needed for the decision.



It is probably wise to keep some rules open for the time being especially since changes have been suggested. The question on how often there should be an IRNOP conference has been opened. The next conference will be at Boston University in 2017 and it might be advantageous to have an opening for conferences also in 2018, 2019, etc. The decision (about conferences for 2018 and 2019) needs to be taken well in advance of the IRNOP conference in Boston. When deciding on the exact dates for a specific conference the organizer should synchronize with dates of other project-related conferences (like EGOS, EURAM, MPC, Nordic Academy of Management and others) and if possible also with teaching activities. The organizer should also pave the way for publication of articles based on conference papers. Furthermore, Irnopians should be encouraged to participate also in other conferences and to publish in suitable options available. 


Update March 31, 2020
In cases such as the COVID-19 pandemics, it will be the next coming organizer how will postpone or move the event to an new date. If this happens, the information will be posted firstly on the organizers home-page, secondly IRNOPs mail-list, and on this page. 


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