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Internatio​nal Research Network on Organizing by Projects


Next IRNOP Conference

IRNOP 2024, June 11-14, Stockholm

Project Management in a Sustainable Future
KTH will host the next IRNOP research conference – Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, June 11-14, 2024. Conference theme - Project Management in a Sustainable Future. Conference site and paper submission 
contact Due date January 31, 2024.



IRNOP was founded in 1993 as a loosely coupled network of researchers and have developed from there, adding researchers in countries all over the world. The IRNOP network connects scholars with a background in business, economics, engineering and other fields, with a common interest in projects, project organizations and temporary systems.


Aiming to organize research conferences. Previous conferences

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IRNOP 1, Lycksele Sweden, 1994

Organized by Umeå University, Umeå School of Business and Economics

Rolf A. Lundin, Johann Packendorff, Anders Söderholm, Tomas Blomquist 

IRNOP 2, Paris France, 1996

Organized by Ecole Polytechnique Paris

Christophe Midler, Gilles Garel

IRNOP 3, Calgary Canada, 1998

Organized by University of Calgary

Francis Hartman, Janice Thomas, George Jergeas

IRNOP 4, Sydney Australia, 2000

Organized by University of Technology Sydney

Lynn Crawford, Kaye Remington

IRNOP 5, Renesse Netherlands, 2002

Organized by Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Rodney Turner, Mark van Onna

IRNOP 6, Turku Finland, 2004

Organized by Åbo Akademi University and Helsinki University of Technology

Karlos Artto, Kim Wikström

IRNOP 7, Xi'an China, 2006

Organized by Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) and supported by Project Management Research Committee China (PMRC)

Lixiong Ou, Fupei Qian

IRNOP 8, Brighton UK, 2007

Organized by CENTRIM, University of Brighton and SPRU, University of Sussex

Tim Brady, Andrew Davies, Jonas Söderlund

IRNOP 9, Berlin Germany, 2009

Organized by Technische Universität Berlin

Hans Georg Gemünden

IRNOP 10, Montreal Canada, 2011

Organized by Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)

Brian Hobbs, Yvan Petit, Monique Aubry

IRNOP 11, Oslo Norway, 2013

Organized by BI Norwegian Business School

Jonas Söderlund, Ralf Müller

Organized by Bartlett School of Construction & Project Management at University College London

Andrew Davies, Andrew Edkins, Hedley Smyth


IRNOP 13, Boston USA, 2017

Organized by Metropolitan College at Boston University

Vijay Kanabar, Steve Leybourne, Roger Warburton

IRNOP 14, Melbourne Australia, 2018

Organized by RMIT University, Derek Walker

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